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February 12, 2015

Noon League is on for today. The first soccer game of the season will be LOPEZ vs MOERNER/VAN DE VANTER beginning at 1:15. You must have your entire team present to play.

The FUN FRIDAY “Dance Off” is on for Friday. One or two dancers from each homeroom will compete for homeroom points on the stage at lunch. The weather promises to be great, so be sure to come out and support you homeroom.

The next big Blach dance of the year will be held Friday, February 27th in the Multi from 7 to 9. The theme is A NIGHT IN PARIS. This promises to be a very special night and because of that, we encourage everyone to dress up. (this is not required of
course). Normally the tickets are $5 but THIS Friday, in conjunction with the Dance Off we will be selling them for $3.00 each. Students who buy a ticket on Friday will be eligible for a special prize at the dance itself. This discounted rate is for one day only- after the break they will be the normal price. We will also be having several raffles at the dance for gift cards, teddy bears and movie tickets. Raffle tickets will be available for $1.00 each when you buy your dance ticket.



All girls basketball players should return their uniform to Mrs. Koren as soon as possible.
The 7th and 8th grade girls soccer teams will have practice after school today. 


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