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An easy way to double your contribution to the Blach Intermediate School PTA is through employee giving programs, where companies match the donations their employees make to qualified nonprofit organizations. Some companies also have volunteer grant programs that provide financial contributions to organizations where employees volunteer frequently.

Here are two simple steps to double your support for Blach:

  1. Use LAEF's corporate match tool to see if your company offers corporate match.
  2. If yes, use your company's portal to apply. You will need Blach PTA's information below to fill out the application. It's typically a quick five-minute process, a straightforward way to boost your donation to our school without extra money from your own pocket!


Our Address


Contact Person

Blach Intermediate School PTA
1120 Covington Road
Los Altos, CA  94024


PTA Financial Secretary
Minda Levin


For questions regarding your company's specific programs, please contact your employer's HR or community giving department. Much of the necessary information is likely available on your company intranet.

For questions regarding submitting a matching gift or volunteer grant request to Blach PTA, please contact our Financial Secretary Minda Levin.

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