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October 20, 2014

Attention 8th graders: Yosemite hiking group and cabin group lists are posted on the office windows and the Science Wing. Also, don’t forget there is a MANDATORY Yosemite meeting today at lunch in the Multi. Grab your lunch and head to the Multi.

Blach’s famous Halloween dance, which is called THRILLER this year, is coming up on Friday. It will be from 7-9 PM in the Multi and will be complete with games, prizes, contests, drawings, a guest DJ and our very own outdoor café. Wear your costume if you’d like an be a part of our costume contest. Tickets will be sold Monday through Thursday at lunch for $5.00 and all day on Friday. A limited amount will be sold at the door for $8.00 so be sure to buy them DURING the week!

Due to lunchtime meetings this week, Volleyball Noon League will resume on Thursday.

Today at lunch there will be a last-minute meeting of the hexaflexagon club. Meet in Mrs. Hickman’s room; it’ll be a quick meeting!



Reminder: There is a tennis social after school TODAY starting at 3:15 at the tennis courts. Come with a racket, tennis shoes and a water bottle. See you there! See Mrs. Kane if you have questions.

The Cross Country team will be having a mandatory and short meeting right after school today. 


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